What's in a name


Written bY CYril 's profile image

Sept. 24, 2023, 11:02 a.m.

all posts

This article named "What's in a name", takes on a life of it's own simply because of it's name. It's name separates it from the other articles on this blog and it has inherently become an entity onto itself.

Names are truly fascinating. A set of sounds that we mark an object in the external world with and use to identify it throughout its life (and even its death).

Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King, John F Kennedy. Surely these names raised images in your head, but the fact of the matter is those images and the names that conjured them have no actual connection.

I can't say for a fact, but I do believe that there is or was more than just one person named Albert Einstein in the world.
But that name has forever been tethered to the scientist because of his work and reputation.

That must be what is meant by the phrase "making a name for oneself". For the name you are given at birth is apparently insignificant, until you do something to elevate yourself above the countless John and Jane Does out there in the world.

Signing off on this blog, mY name is CYril.

Sept. 24, 2023, 11:02 a.m.

Written bY CYril 's profile image

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