It's real


Written bY CYril 's profile image

Jan. 21, 2024, 4:17 p.m.

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What is real anyway? The kind of things that pop into our head when we think about "real" might include things that you can touch perhaps. The chair you sit on, maybe. That's real.

Or the phone or computer you're reading this on. Surely that's real.

But what about money. Things might start to get a bit blurry here, because you can see the cash and coins you have in your wallet and know that they are real, but the money in your bank account, those are just numbers.

Are numbers real? How real is the number "1". Can you touch it? Earlier I mentioned thoughts that might pop in your head. The thoughts themselves, are they real? Of course they are.

The Cambridge dictionary definition of real is "existing in fact and not imaginary", but how can you separate the two. Do imaginary things not in fact exist in fact the moment you imagine them?

Sure what you imagine can be correct or incorrect, there is no discrepancy there, but I don't see how something cannot be real. Because even if it was not real before, you make it real by questioning it's reality. That's interesting isn't it?

Jan. 21, 2024, 4:17 p.m.

Written bY CYril 's profile image

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