Heavy is the head


Written bY CYril 's profile image

Nov. 2, 2024, 3:01 p.m.

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If you were to ask if someone would like to be king or queen, to have a plethora of loyal subjects ready and willing to bend to their every will; to have power, influence, and prestige. Most people will respond with a resounding yes.

Ironically, people tend to want power and not want responsibility. And as the uncle of one popular fictional character once said, these things come hand in hand.

Power is an interesting concept. It's undeniably real and it comes in different shapes, forms, and sizes. Your socioeconomic power is derived for you at birth. And you can grow, remain the same, or stagnate in that regard depending on circumstances both in and out of your control.

However, there are other forms of power. Arguably the most important is power over your own mind. The filter with which all information from "the external world" passes through. Once you've mastered your mind, you gain the power to interpret and handle whatever comes your way. "The external world" is your responsibility and yours alone. And you need this power to conquer it.

Secondly, is the power to create. Like God, Zeus, or whomever is running the show, we can create little universes of our own design. Through art, science, and everything in-between. For whatever you create is indisputably and eternally yours. You can do with it what you please. Your own kingdom to rule and care for. But remember, heavy is the head... that wears a crown.

Nov. 2, 2024, 3:01 p.m.

Written bY CYril 's profile image

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